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The Miss Shanghai contest was performed in the year of 2000. Even though the government had provided with the permission for the conduct of pageants, the broadcast to entire nation was still not allowed over the television and this was compiled by the media due to their little interest within these pageants. For an instance, the Miss Shanghai contest was sponsored by the Shanghai Charity Foundation and the Shanghai Bidding Office World Expo 2010. Both these organizations had the background of government. The contest’s organizers showed reluctance to provide publicity to the contest.
The co-sponsor media Shanghai Evening Post and the Xinmin Evening News covered the contest moderately. It was identified by the statements and reports of the newspaper media that previously upon getting invited to the image ambassadors, the organizers had re-emphasized that the contest was not a competition of beauty. These contests were highly similar to the competitions of beauty. Making an attempt of showcasing that the pageants are harmless to the leadership that was still cautious, the Miss Shanghai contest’s organizers ensured that the charity causes are promoted.
These were promoted within the contest involving the orphanage visitation and the milk distribution to the senior citizens. The contestants were selected with utmost care to not only consider the looks but also their background of education. Out of the 20 contestants, 17 held university education. Regardless of the healthy morale tone of the contest being stressed by the organizers, the small amount of women took part within the competition which shows that less number of women were interested in it and the widespread doubts were indicated by the competition.

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