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Violence in opposition to civil people can also constitute an aim in itself and at times it is the main objective of one of the sides involved in conflict. Suicide bombing and exterminations are the most extreme forms of such ideas. While the systematic extermination of millions of Jews as per Hitler along with various other groups perceived by Hitler as contaminated, remained the most extreme and threatening examples of genocide thoughts and implementations. Therefore, there is a requirement to strengthen the laws and make them such that they are highly respected.
Whole most IHL violations are a consequence of decisions that are deliberate and conscious, various other factors also are present that lead towards violation occurrence because of inadequate law knowledge. Even though this cannot be an accepted justification for attacks on civilians spread worldwide, it is essential for IHL to disseminate to soldiers at every level and to military trainer to include IHL implementation instructions. As previously mentioned, the IHL should not only integrated into the doctrine of military but also in engagement and order rules and effective sanctions should be positioned for failure to abide with the rules. Applicability denial and inadequate ownership of IHL rules leading to suicidal attacks under unlawful combatants
A specific challenge with regard to the armed group conduct lies in the fact that they might not accept IHL as applied or relevant to the acts. Even though, speaking legally, the IHL rules govern non-global armed conflicts to bind armed groups of non-state and these groups might not accept such a notion under practice. Global treaties, after all, can be negotiated within states and armed groups may not take into consideration that they are bound through rules in which they did not take part to negotiate.


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