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本文主要讲电动汽车的发展推进,汽车制造商已经在朝着生产电动汽车的方向前进,因此政府可以扮演的角色至关重要。政府的作用是确保汽车制造商以前雇佣的劳动力转移到新的电动汽车业务部门,重点仍然是利用以前建立的工作提供可持续的汽车(Graham et al., 2016)。这种整合将确保现有的工作不会因汽车行业的变化趋势而流失或取代,而是被用于电动汽车市场的创新努力和可持续发展(Hardman et al., 2015)。本篇达拉斯论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The automakers are already moving towards the production of the electric vehicles due to which the role that can be played by government is critical. The role of government is to ensure that the workforce previously employed by the automakers are transferred to the newer EV business units and the focus remains of delivering sustainable cars with the utilization of the previously established jobs (Graham et al., 2016). This integration will ascertain that the already established jobs are not lost or displaced by the changing trends of the automotive industry but instead they are utilized in the innovative efforts and sustainable development of the EV market (Hardman et al., 2015).
It is to consider that the government should not take a backseat and leave the industrial future on the market and consumer demand. Since this can create uncertainties for the existing jobs as development of the EV comprise of redefined facilities and changed and increased job positions.
Thus, the government can identify the areas in which the EV market will develop more job opportunities and the manner in which the previous workforce can be migrated in to the new job roles (Kesslet and Buck, 2017). Furthermore, the government can place legislative restrictions on ensuring that no mass layoffs take place within the automotive industry of the United States for the purpose of rapid radical shift from the gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles. It will fulfil the twofold role of the government to protect the existing employments and developing new organizations with the focus on environmental sustainability and innovation.
This has indicated that as the general population of the world is becoming aware about the essentiality of environmental sustainability, increasing number of the consumers will prefer the electric vehicles over the traditional vehicles due to the incentive of redefined style, environmental contribution, participation in the future oriented practices and experiencing the automated, latest and innovative models of cars (Moritz et al., 2015).


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