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In such cases, the leaders play an important role and become a guide to them. They must chart out ways to involve people and put them to actual work towards achieving desired change. In the process, the leader must also keep the communication open the ways, towards top management as well as the ground level staff. Taking timely feedbacks and communicating critical information would keep the people involved in the process of change implementation and also inculcate a sense of responsibility. Unless the task of enabling the people is not performed, the vision to attain change could not be fulfilled.
The barriers restraining people to work towards the change could not be removed and thereby the whole exercise might be jeopardized. Hence, it is vital for the success of change implantation that the leaders enable the people and empower them to become the part of the process. This also gives perception of importance to individuals or groups in the organization and thereby motivates them to put in extra efforts.Supporting others during the change is the next step in the line of successful change implementation. At times, the individual affected by the change is not able to comprehend its implications on the personal level because of the past experiences or personal fears. Such a person tends to run away from the changes.
It has been seen in many organizations when certain new technology or policies are implemented. Some people try to avoid them. Their fear could be so profound that they sometimes opt for change in career role, transfer or even switch over their jobs (Barger & Kirby, 1995).This leads to the issue of retention of trained staff. Simply because of change implementation for an organization, losing its valuable human resources is not a good deal. The changes are part of the entire business process and are an inevitable reality. Therefore, it is a job of the leaders to ensure that individual facing problems with the change implementation are supported and mentored properly.


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