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本文是讲汽车公司的改变,现代汽车2011 – 2015年的股息收益率呈上升趋势。然而,公司的每股收益在这段时间里有所下降,这意味着税后利润的下降。公司所使用的资本回报率也降低了,这意味着投资者不会做出投资于公司的决定(Rosen, 2005)。市盈率也下降了,这意味着收益与市场表现相比要少。双龙汽车的每股收益在此期间有所下降。这些数值显示了公司的负面业绩。然而,本益比在此期间有所上升。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The dividend yield of Hyundai Motors shows an upward trend from the year 2011 to 2015. However, the earnings per share of the company have decreased over the period which means a decrease in the profit after tax. The return on capital employed of the company has also been decreased which means the investors will not take the decision to invest in the company (Rosen, 2005). The price-earnings ratio has also been decreased which means the earning is less in comparison to the market performance. The earnings per share of Ssangyong Motor has been decreased over the period. The values show the negative performance of the company. However, the price-earnings ratio has increased over the period.
The financial ratios show that the performance Hyundai motors are much better than Ssangyong Motor company. However, the performance of Hyundai Motors has decreased over the period, but it is much better than Ssangyong motor. The financial structure of the company has been maintained appropriately, and it shows slow progress of the company. The firm has the potential to generate returns for the shareholders (Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe, 2005). The increase in returns will increase the profitability of the company.
The JIT implementation will bring about colossal changes in plants, from the format of working environment to every employee. As for the goal to actualize JIT generation adequately, work environment ought to be overhauled and revised to accomplish “greatest proficiency” and “simplicity of assembling” (Wolf, 2008). Furthermore, JIT will likewise prompt change in labourers’ working processes. In JIT manufacturing, workers should be multi-useful. At the end of the day, workers ought to have the capacity to perform number of operations rather than just concentrate on particular works.
Such changes are probably going to involve high cost on organization, including remodel cost and preparing expense. Besides, employees may oppose such changes inside the organization as practically everybody will be. In the event that the organization cannot take some powerful measure to manage this issue, employees’ work quality will be influenced. Subsequently, before automakers apply JIT in their plants, they do need to consider deliberately.


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