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The main tool that the SLCP used was by direct compensation of the households to gain cash or seedlings from the central government. The compensation and the remuneration were found to vary based on the geographical differences. The compensation in the Yangtze River Basin was found to be higher than the Yellow River Basin. This was in cohesion with the opportunity costs of local cropland plots. The time period of the compensation varied based on the kinds of conversion that was taking place. The households were allowed to choose “economic forest” or “ecological forest”


The economic forest had the ability to produce timber, fruits, nuts and other kinds of commodities. The ecological forests were found to provide ecological functions and services. This was done for a period of 2 years or five years or eight-year tenure. Nevertheless, the most of the retired cropland was planted with trees that encompass the mixed species. They were enrolled for eight years. In the year 2004, State council had issued the standards for the process of conversion of the grain to the cash. It was at the rate 1.4 RMB/kg. This was owing to the reducing grain reserves. In 2007, many of the contracts were ending. In order to maintain the current life standards, the State Council decided to extend the programs for another defined terms. In this scenario, the original subsidy that was offered to the people was reduced by over 50%. In the official annual reports, common indicators that were used for the evaluation of the outcomes are enrolled areas, tree survival rate and the acceptance rate of the program after the inspection.

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