


2005年,李安导演凭借《断背山》(Hsia, 2011)获得最佳导演奖,台湾电视和电影行业与其他国家直接竞争。《卧虎藏龙》(Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon)等电影也获得了类似的奥斯卡奖,而当时台湾电影制作总量只占大陆电影制作总量的很小一部分。国家的影视产业对台湾经济既有直接影响,也有间接影响。特别是,直接影响被认为是就业影响,经济贡献的形式工资等。电影制作、后期制作等活动,包括发行和展览等,更多以直接捐款的形式产生收入。对不同收入的税收估计为台湾经济赚取。间接影响来自于应用于供应链各个部分的交易。台湾影视产业的供应链是一个与许多制作公司相关联的供应链,因此在经济活动中所估计的收益会影响到每个人。

台湾影视产业对经济的贡献一直受到挑战,而这种挑战是由台湾电影市场的规模所引起的。由于台湾的电影市场规模较小,因此推动电影类型制作的因素较低。然而,有了政府的支持,以及电影获得了国际视野,电影业的发展现在要好得多。从游客数量和经济影响来看,电影引发的旅游也较少,因此电影业的贡献不高。然而,与中国大陆达成了协议,这些协议有助于电视和电影行业进行审查。2010年《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》和《文化创意产业法》的实施,凸显了政府改善该产业前景的重要性(Oxford Economics, 2014)。

The Taiwanese television and film industry became direct competition with other countries when director Ang Lee won the Best Director aware for movie Brokeback Mountain in the year 2005 (Hsia, 2011). Movies such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon have won similar academy awards, and this was in a time when the total amount of movies made in the Taiwanese sector was very much a small proportion of the movies made in Mainland China. The film and television industry of the country has both direct and indirect effects of the economy within Taiwan. In particular, the direct effects are noted as the employment impact, economic contributions in the form of salary and more. Film production, post production activities, inclusive of distribution and exhibition and more generate money in the form of direct contributions. Tax estimates on the different income are earning for the Taiwanese economy. The indirect effect is from the transactions that apply across various parts of the supply chain. The supply chain of the Taiwanese film and television industry is observed to be one that is interconnected with many houses of productions and hence the earnings as estimated in the economic activity will affect everybody.

There have been challenges in the economic contribution of the television and movie industry of Taiwan, and such challenges arose from the size of the market for Taiwan movie and film industry. There was a small market in Taiwan and hence the driving factors for the production of movie genres were low. However, with government support and international perspectives gained on movies, the industry fares much better now. The numbers in terms of visitors and economic impacts, of film induced tourism was also less, and hence the contribution of the industry was not rated as high. Agreements have, however, been formed with mainland China and these have helped the television and movie industry to review. The Cross Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement and the Cultural and Creative Industry Act that were both implemented in the year 2010 highlighted the seriousness of the government to improve the prospects of this industry (Oxford Economics, 2014).


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