

毕业论文代写:学校体制和市场化的因素。多元文化主义受到挑战是因为学校的选择和营销方式,这对公平和多样性有影响。学校正变得种族隔离。据了解,家长选择学生,然后把他们送到学校是基于一些隔离因素,如阶级或种族。学生们倾向于与他们认为与自己相似的人结盟(Chang & Le, 2010)。家长们最终会选择那些他们认为学生会符合类似种族社区的学校。由于这种选择性的学校教育和市场营销,现在人们发现学校很难实现社会凝聚力和多元文化主义。接下来毕业论文代写专家将为同学们分析下学校体制和市场化的因素。

在过去,学校会被视为一个培养更多种族和民族包容性的系统,为孩子们提供更好的学习环境,以提高他们的多元文化。然而,在目前,学校变得更加隔离。例如,数据显示,私立学校是盎格鲁人主导的。来自盎格鲁社区的学生最终只会见来自他们自己宗派的人。他们没有机会或技能来发展文化。这些学生缺乏跨文化意识,因为跨文化技能只有在人们与不同群体混合的地方才能发展。如果他们没有,那么他们就缺乏跨文化技能。家长应该寻求给他们的学生一个全面的教育(ISCA, 2017)。对多元文化缺乏基本的了解,会导致学生缺乏在日常生活中生存所需的技能。在日常生活中,学生将不得不与来自不同文化背景的人打交道。这不仅仅是盎格鲁学生的问题,即使是在公立学校学习的学生也无法接触到大多数的盎格鲁人,这再次削弱了他们与每个人接触的基本能力。因此,由于特定的选择和营销,可以确定多元文化主义受到了挑战。这与多样性和公平性问题有关。解决这个问题的方法应该考虑到所有这些方面,而不仅仅是提高学生入学率。


In the past, the school would have been seen as a system that fostered more racial and ethnical inclusivity, allowing the children a better learning environment in order to improve their multiculturalism. However, in the present time, schools have become more segregated. Private schools for instance, as the data show is Anglo dominated. The students from Anglo community end up meeting only people from their own sect. They are not given the opportunity or skills to develop culturally. Cross cultural awareness would be missing in these students as cross-cultural skills only develop in such places where people mingle with diverse groups. Where they do not, then they lack cross cultural skills. Parents should seek to give their students an all rounded education (ISCA, 2017). A basic lack of understanding of multiculturalism will result in students lacking the needed skills to survive in daily life. In the normal daily life, students will have to mix with people from different cultural backgrounds. This is not an issue for the Anglo students alone, even students studying in public schools will not get exposure to the majority Anglo population and this once again undermines their basic capacity to engage with everybody. Therefore, because of specific selecting and marketing, it can be identified that multiculturalism is challenged. This is connected to issues of diversity and equity. A solution for the same should consider all these aspects and not just focus on improving the student induction rates.

The parents end up selecting those schools where they believe students would conform to similar ethnic communities. As a consequence of such selective schooling and marketing, it is identified now that there is difficulty in social cohesion and multiculturalism in schools. At its very end, multiculturalism is destroyed in the country and a very unhealthy environment where students might not understand each other’s diversity will grow to thrive. To consider this argument, consider the difference between the private school and public schools that Ho (2015) presents. Ho stated that the schools have become even more segregated and racially and ethnically divided compared to even the neighbourhoods.


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