

本科essay代写:苹果公司的使命和营销计划。苹果公司的使命是“通过为人类的思维创造工具,为世界做出贡献”。苹果公司在2017年的报告中重申了自己的使命:“苹果设计的是世界上最好的个人电脑mac,以及OS X、iLife、iWork和专业软件。”苹果通过ipod和iTunes在线商店引领了数字音乐革命。苹果(Apple)革命性的iPhone和应用程序商店(App store)重塑了手机,并正用iPad定义移动媒体和计算设备的未来。”该公司从一开始就被认为是奢侈品。接下来本科essay代写专家将为同学们分析下苹果公司的使命和营销计划。

苹果在印度智能手机行业的销量仅占2.8%左右(辛格,2018)。印度人口非常多,仅次于中国。按理说,会有更多的人愿意购买苹果品牌。然而,苹果仍未能获得更好的市场份额,这是一个明确的担忧。虽然苹果公司致力于印度市场,但该公司的手机制造成本是iPhone未能在印度取得成功的主要原因之一。此外,当只是零售时,该产品并不是真正为印度地形定制的。苹果地图和Siri等很多核心服务都不如其他产品好用(Iyengar, 2017)。苹果在2006年以零售服务为基础进入印度市场时,有一个早期优势。然而,大部分的注意力转移到了其他市场,直到2012年苹果的整体销售额开始下降,苹果的首席执行官库克才开始关注印度市场。该公司现在想进入印度的制造计划。由于零售业务在该公司的市场份额非常低,苹果公司希望探索如何重新进入印度市场,既可以选择在当地生产,又可以支持针对印度市场定制的软件开发。目前,苹果公司正在考虑“印度制造”的选项。“苹果计划在印度主要的科技中心建立一个iPhone生产厂[……]该工厂将与台湾制造商纬创资通(Wistron)合作建设”(Iyengar, 2017, para)。5)制造中心的建立将有助于提高该公司在印度的全球影响力。首席执行官蒂姆·库克希望新的进入/价格/地点/产品策略会比之前的零售策略更成功地获得市场份额。

Apple sells only around 2.8 percent in the smartphone industry of India (Singh, 2018). India has a very high population next only to China. It should logically follow that more people would be willing to buy the Apple brand. However, Apple still has not been able to acquire a better share of the market place is a definitive concern. While the Apple company is committed to India, the company’s phone manufacturing costs are one of the main reasons that the iPhone has not made it big in the country. Furthermore, when only being sold retail, the product is not really customized for the Indian terrain. Much of the core services like Apple maps and Siri do not work well as other products (Iyengar, 2017). Apple in its initial retail service-based entry into India in 2006 had an early advantage. However, much of the focus shifted to other markets and it was only after 2012 when the overall sales of Apple started to fall that the CEO of Apple, Cook, started to focus on India. The company now wants to enter India with a manufacturing initiative. With retail churning a very low market share for the company, Apple wants to explore how it could re-enter India with either a local manufacturing option, and/or supported software development that is customized for the Indian market. A “make in India” option for Apple is considered at this point. “Apple’s plans to set up an iPhone production plant in India’s main tech hub […] The factory would be built in partnership with Taiwan-based manufacturer Wistron” (Iyengar, 2017, para. 5). This setting up of the manufacturing hub would help in improving the global presence of the company in India. The CEO Tim Cook hopes that the newer entry/price/place/product strategy will be more successful in acquiring market share as compared to its previous retail strategy








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