


预测分析方法是关于利用统计模型来预测未来的方法。这种方法是关于对未来的理解。公司的作用是为未来提供可操作的见解。说明性分析是关于优化或模拟算法的使用,以建议可能的结果和结果的答案(Larose & Larose, 2014)。这说明了必须做什么。这些公司使用这些统计数据来预测未来会发生什么。

在这种情况下使用了DIKW金字塔的哲学。以“数据、信息、知识、智慧”金字塔为层次模型。金字塔中的每一步都试图回答有关数据的问题,并为数据增加价值。人们在沿着金字塔移动时回答的问题帮助他们获得对知识的洞察(George, Haas & Pentland, 2014)。最后,金字塔的顶端帮助人们接受整理后的信息。大数据利用这一点来创建有凝聚力的解决方案。数据挖掘过程是由使用三种思想的过程来进行数据挖掘的过程。


The predictive analysis methods are about the use of the statistical model to predict the future. This method is about the understanding of the future . The companies are used for providing the actionable insights into the future. The prescriptive analysis is about the use of the optimization or simulation algorithm to advice on the possible outcomes and answers for the outcomes (Larose & Larose, 2014). This explains about what must be done. The companies use these statistics to forecast as to what would occur in the future.

The philosophy of the DIKW pyramid is used in this situation. The “data, information, knowledge and wisdom” pyramid are used as a hierarchy model. Each step in the pyramid tries to answer the question about the data and adds value to the data. The questions that the people answer as they move along the pyramid help them gain insight about the knowledge (George, Haas & Pentland, 2014). Finally, the top of the pyramid helps the people to accept the information that was collated. The big data uses this to create cohesive solutions. The data mining process is used by the process of using three ideologies for the process of data mining. These three ideologies have been detailed in the following.

With the advent of sophisticated technology, the analytics tend to go beyond the three philosophies. The reason for the existence of the big data is to make proper decisions that would aid towards growth. Added to these methods, a trained analyst needs to assimilate the data using the different protocols to arrive at a solution.


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