





In the case of Canada, the trade represents that the economic growth has increased by 0.5%. The role of the protections is to reduce the trade agreements and to improve the local businesses. In the cases of free trade, there are fewer barriers to trade agreements. These will aide countries such as the isolated countries to develop their economic infrastructure. Global companies have more expertise which is seen in their local companies where they operate on the domestically regional level. The local companies are seen to learn from the global companies to improve their best practices by the process of direct observation. However, the global companies bring in more expertise and the better practices to the local industry. The role of the tariff and the taxation policies is used for the reduction of the labour outsourcing. Intellectual property rights are not considered as important by the foreign governments or competitors. This increases the issues of the companies.

The rise of the free trade is seen to increase the urban land and development. The factory farm received fewer subsidies. The working conditions where there is production done is usually deemed to have hazardous working conditions. Some of the markets allow the children to be hired for lesser costs. Hence, the free trade becomes a detriment for all the parties who are involved in the process.

In this schema, the fair-trade cooperatives do not really do a lot of good for the community. They are seen to create divides in the community. There are higher fees which are associated with this model. Owing to this, for ensuring equity, the cost of the process will rise. In addition, this reduces the levels of produce which is required by the people. The demand for these markets is lesser. These cause the Fair-Trade products to have a premium price attached to this schema. The higher prices weigh on consumers and they are forced to pay these higher inflated rates. The product choice becomes reduced. Furthermore, the Fair-Trade costs are high based on the higher administration costs which are seen in the retail level. These additional costs are passed to the suppliers. Ultimately, these impact the local community and the financial bottom lines of the local businesses. From this, it can be alluded a balance is needed to ensure between the fair trade and free trade.








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