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The candidate must pay more attention to the field of research which is attractive, is trying to resolve a market demand or crisis, unique, has not been attempted earlier, and one which is progressive in all sense to benefit the industry and society as a whole. This automatically benefits the university also. Research is an integral part of the university, and it must be utilised for the better to enhance the attractiveness and credibility of the university. The candidate must understand the ethical considerations of research and avoid falling for unethical means to fulfil the research agenda.
environment of teamwork, integrity, vigorous expediency, helping him to accustom with the organisational culture of the university and the code of conduct.
The candidate must ensure that all qualities of a good teacher must be surpassed with the best ones, giving more than what is required of him.
If need be, there must be substantial site visits to the maritime and logistics companies, where the candidate is made aware of the Australian maritime sector, and learns all that is necessary to comment and teach on the domestic sector.
Above all, the candidate must be taught to be flexible in his approach toward students, faulty, management, and continue working with equipoise of contentment and superior adherence to rules. He must be consistently engaged in acquiring new knowledge by keeping informed about the latest and perceived future developments of the Australian maritime and logistics sector.
Layoffs are a sad state of organisational affairs, which are an unwelcome move both on the part of the organisation and the laid off employees. Layoffs happen when there is a dire need of cost cutting in times of recession and financial crisis, and when there is some kind of misconduct by the employees to be fired. Layoffs are not a product of the market but of the organisation which miscalculates its capabilities in different market structures and periods of bull and bear markets.


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