美国代写论文 论文代写


本文主要讲述的是中国互联网的安全使用问题,在许多国家,政府正在采取可衡量的步骤,以便更大的群体或特定的群体如儿童和青少年能够安全地使用互联网。任何国家都采取了最好的可衡量的措施来执行互联网过滤器,并监管人们能够访问的内容,这就是中国。在这篇综述中,对中国的互联网和网络审查进行了更深入的研究(Yang & Liu, 2014)。中国政府不仅制定法律,中国政府反对明显令人不快的网络操作,还对互联网进行了监管,还开展了心理活动和政府支持的宣传。本篇代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are many countries, where the governments are taking measurable steps so that the access to the internet can be safely done by the larger group or specific group of individuals like the children and teenagers. The best measurable steps were taken by any country in order to execute internet filters, and regulating the sort of content that people are able to access, is China and it had worked very hard and safely toward it. In this review, a closer look on the internet and or cyber censorship has been taken with particular interest in China (Yang & Liu, 2014). The government of China not only institute laws and the government of China in opposition to apparent unpleasant cyberspace operations has employed regulation on the internet but psychological campaigns and government-sponsored propaganda.
A lot of condemnation has been received from the external forces as well as within the country itself as the government of China has employed the internet censorship. There came some situations when the officials of the government cannot avoid the question and had to speak publically and in that situation, they played very cleverly and justified their steps with respect to the protection of public safety, social ethics, stability and core societal values. Another justification has also been given by the government in order to prevent the valuable societal ethics that is corroded by the western culture, and the measurable steps that have been taken by the government of China that they are correct.
It should be clear in the mind of the government of China that by blocking some of the sites for the people China may result in unhappiness among the people, which may later turn into any kind of protest against their government. Human Right Watch, Amnesty International, Bloggers, Reporters without Borders, as well as academicians is most of the non-governmental institutions and individuals who have helped in exposing the detail of internet censorship of China. Any kind of aforementioned cardinal principles has been significantly failed by the Chinese internet filtering regimes. The most important issue that has been in doubt is that there are numerous individuals who will surely agree to the internet filtration on the issues like child pornography, and many more.


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