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論文 代寫 價格-分形維數

本文主要講分形維數,分形維數的概念可以應用於許多地球科學應用,其中可能包括遙感圖像複雜性表徵(DeCola, 1989)。雖然同樣的問題是,儘管有許多的應用,可能會有問題不一致的結果可能來自不同的分形計算,算法和遺骸(Lam et al., 2002)。 Clarke(1986)提出基本的三角棱鏡主要利用由圖像構造的三維棱鏡。他還指出,棱鏡的表面積進一步與總步長相比,後者可用於推導雙對數回歸棱鏡的目的。因此,三角棱鏡也是通過連接四種不同的像素來構造的。每個像素的高度值具有像素強度值(Ju et al, 2009)。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The concept of fractal dimension can be applied in a number of geosciences applications which may include the remote sensing image complexity characterization (DeCola, 1989). Though the same problem is that in spite of a number of applications, there may be the problem related to the inconsistent results which may be derived from different fractal calculations, the algorithms and remains (Lam et al., 2002). Clarke (1986) proposed that the basic triangular prism mainly makes the use of the three dimensional prisms which may be constructed from the image. He also stated that the prism surface area is further compared with the total step size which may be used for the purpose of derivation of prisms in a double logarithmic regression. Thus, the triangular prism is constructed with the help of connecting four different kinds of pixel also. The value of the height of every pixel has the pixel intensity value (Ju et al, 2009).
In the recent times, there has been a high increase in the spatial data in different systems. It is widely used in the earth observation systems. Thus, it is important to develop some of the effective and efficient tools which can be helpful in handling and analysis of the data to access and monitor the environmental conditions.
The four articles which has been discussed for the research includes the environmental assessment and monitoring with the characterization of the image and the modeling system by the use of multi scale remote sensing data, the description and the measurement of the lands are TN images by the use of fractals, the improved algorithm for the computation of the local fractal dimension by the use of triangular prism methods by Wenxue Ju and the evaluation of fractal methods for the characterization of the image complexity by nina siu ngam lam.

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