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本文主要讲述的是7-11便利店的盗窃事件,一场系统性的工资盗窃正在发生。“这项调查中发现的工资盗窃的程度:雇主们肯定是在做这样的计算,并意识到被抓住的可能性不大。”调查显示,酒店业和建筑业这两个行业的工资盗窃都必须作为标准反腐程序的一部分进行审计。据媒体报道,7- 11便利店被卷入了工资盗窃事件。在这种情况下,至少要做到以下几点。本篇peaking代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A systemic wage theft was happening. “The extent of wage theft found in this survey: employers must be making that calculation and realizing there is not much chance of being caught”. Surveys conducted showed that the hospitality and construction industry were two such industries were wage theft has to be audited as part of standard anti-corruption procedure. 7-eleven units as reported in the media have been involved in wage theft. Now in this context, at a minimum the following has to be done,
Financial controls and internal audit controls have to be planned by 7-Eleven to check corruption
A policy of anti-corruption has to be handed out to all franchisee units and this must be followed strictly.
Dishonesty or fraudulent practices of working are where the employer is involved in fraudulent practices to deceive. A Brisbane 7-Eleven was audited and it was found that Mr Lo, the owner underpaid his employees, but then “provided inspectors with false records to cover up the underpayments, and showed inspectors selective bank records as evidence that his employees had received back-pay” (Paty, 2016, para. 7). He attempted to deceive the Fair Work Ombudsmen personnel by showing them deceptive document. Of the 7-Eleven wage scandal with falsification of employee records at the heart of the breaches, the cash back scheme was yet another fraudulent practice where employees were paid first, and then made to return the money, giving a false image of regulation enforcement (Tham, 2016).
Acts of dishonesty and fraudulent practices are not tolerated under the fair work act and it is essential the 7-Eleven apply these to its employees as well as itself
Provide an honest culture of working to its employees
Improve long term relationship by being honest with employees


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