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本文主要讲述的是普遍的道德观,因此,普遍存在着注重平等权利、社会进步、人的尊严、和平与自由的道德。研究表明,当全球人民意识到要对个人行为负责,要诚实,要承担照顾他人的责任,要展现真相时,存在一种普遍的道德观(Alighieri 30)。人们已经确定,实现和谐地球的持续和共同努力使普遍的道德得以发生。所有角色的道德判断都源于这个强制性的准则。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Hence, the universal morality is present that focuses on equal rights, social progress, human dignity, peace and freedom. The research surfaced that there is a universal morality as the global population is aware of being accountable for the personal actions, being honest, accepting the responsibilities of care and showcasing the truth (Alighieri 30). It has been established that the continuous and combined drive to achieve a harmonious globe enables the universal morality to take place. The moral judgments of all characters are stemmed with this mandatory code.
Therefore, individual actions are determined as moral or immoral based on their violation or conformance with the code. This piece has highlighted the tensed points of this code by reconsidering situations for the exposure of internal contraries in terms of values (Mitchell 40). There are a number of stories involved concerning divided loyalties with scenarios for which no practical guidance is offered by the code to deliver certain actions.
All across the fast moving lives of individuals, choices are made by individuals constantly as these choices shape them and the overall society. However, there are several debates regarding the ways in which moral decisions should be corrected and virtuous existence should be achievement. The literature pieces reflect the uncanny ability of Dante for precisely representing the trials of individual soul in achieving morality and locating unity with god. This has to be set forth under the horror, humor and beauty of human life (Alighieri 30).
With an increase in the magnitude of sins, Dante has condemned sinners while lessening his pity for them. This points out the contradiction of the opinions and the synthesis of information. While the universal morality is not essentially reflected by the government and ideology of a particular society, legislations and a general code of conduct for the citizens have been developed in order to prevent and prohibit the aggression (Heaney 58). The principle of non-aggression is globally applicable that prevents any individual to initiate force or violence to another individual.


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