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After this, it was reported that in April 2010, officials of China were in a meeting with the US over their interest for this regions. Though later on these reports were found to be unreliable, after this, there were statements from the United State government who stated that they want to have freedom of navigation on this region and asked for an open access for all the regions. Also, it was declared that the US support will be given for a collaborative rule in these regions. Further, it offered the support for the end of the dispute, but it was rejected by China. Thus, after this, other than the dispute between China and the other South East Asian regions for the issue, there was also a disagreement between US and China.
Another issue rose when the fishermen of Vietnam were arrested by China, there was harassment by the Chinese vessels in the oil survey activities in Philippines in Reed Bank. Some other issues were the Chinese vessels cut down the cables of the boats of Vietnam which were engaged in exploration. In 2012, an attempt was made by the navy of Philippines to inspect the fishing vessels in the area of Scarborough Shoal. It further resulted in the control of China over the shoal and loss of Philippines over this region. China also, led to strengthen its capacity in these regions and enforced its own laws. As a result of the disputes, it was clear that China is not the only nation to claim, but it is the most powerful claimant in comparison to other ones.
These disputes have been referred to as the litmus test of the China and are regarded to be true in many ways. These disputes have led to the dilemma in the security relations between China and other ASEAN nations. The weaker nations have also realized that they must be together in order to show a lager influence over China. The powerful nation i.e. China, on the other hand, is trying out ways to create a dispute between the weaker nations but it has not been useful.
These disputes are like litmus tests of the effectiveness of the multiple of institutions and approaches; it gave an idea if they can actually influence other nations through a collective pressure or through the military power.


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