加拿大论文代写 美国代写论文


本篇文章論述的是日本戰後的奇蹟,國家銀行這樣做是為了避免破產,而該銀行的主要擔憂是提高該國的出口利率。個人儲蓄開始下降,沒有人願意互相幫助。戰後,福利社會通過向窮人和小公司捐款,幫助改善了這種狀況(Singh, 1998)。小企業貸款增多,就業機會增多。人們開始研究增加公司和行業的數量,從而增加就業機會的理念(Menton, 2003)。本篇論文代寫價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

State Bank did this to avoid the bankruptcy and major concern of the bank was to increase the export rate in the country. Personal savings started to decline and nobody was willing to help each other. After the war, the welfare society helped in enhancing the situation by giving away money to needy and small companies (Singh, 1998). More loans were given to small companies and employment opportunities increased. People started to work on the philosophy of increasing the number of companies and industries so they can increase the employment opportunities (Menton, 2003).
According to the findings from 1970s, it was observed that more and more small sized companies came up and gained pace in the market. These companies helped in creating new markets and with the passage of time gained international access. As mentioned above, automobile companies like Nissan and Toyota came up after the war and now they are among the top automobile companies of the world. Change in policies also leads to the development of various industries because the main aim of company was not to change the situation of one single company but overall industry (Dunning, 2014). After looking at the post war situation in Japan, it can be concluded that will power, determination and courage to change the current situation and state can bring various changes.
Citizens at that time worked on the philosophy of “If people won’t change their situation no one can help them in changing their situation”. Miracles are normally observed in the form of nature’s miracles but miracles changed their dimension when they came to Japan. People designed their own miracles so they can write their destination. Japan has some of the top brands of the world today and is among the most power full companies and second largest economy of the world. For reaching this position, Japan had to go through various stages and people sacrificed their money, lives and energy for increasing the power of their country. Usually in economies people work individually for individual gain and development but this situation was opposite in Japan. After the war, people combine together for increasing the development of their country. No one was working individually; everyone was working for increasing the economy of the country. This essay discussed about three main miracles after the war in Japan and the traces of these miracles can be observed in 20th century.

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