



伊恩·麦查格(Ian McHarg, 1969)在他的著作《设计与自然》(Design with Nature, McHarg, 1969)中展示并重新发现了隐藏在大自然中的瑰宝,以及人与自然是如何很好地结合在一起的。在书中发现,大自然有它自己的问题,人们会去解决它们。他举了一个例子,说明了潮汐是如何被拯救的,不是通过建造更强大的反海浪力量,而是通过轻柔地做出反应,建造沙丘和堤坝,让水保持平静和满足,而不是像敌人一样行动。Ingold(2000)谈到了人类感知周围环境的不同方式,并倾向于做出相应的反应。这创造了一个重叠的自然设计网络,当考虑到设计时就会出现。建筑空间的设计无非是人类第一次看到的画面,他努力证明它的执行和实施是合理的。Turner和Penn(2002)确定了所有人类是如何对他们所生活的世界和他们所走的道路有一个视觉模型的,以及对于建筑代理人来说,要真正证明更广泛地执行这个视觉是多么昂贵。Cottenie(2005)在他的研究中发现,50%的社区组成的空间变化是由于环境和空间组成,表明一半的设计师或社区倾向于使用环境为参照点来构建他们的社区,而另一半屈从于质量压力的人? s认为,调整生活的特定需求的种类和类型的栖息地。



The environmental relationship with human movement is absolutely natural and spontaneous. It is to be studied attentively in order to get the real message for reverting to the issues that it will pose in the future. Philosophy is ingrained in all kinds of environmental relationship as the very origin of environment comes from the philosophical discourses of the past and how philosophy constructs the importance and survival of environment for humans. Spatial composition of using all the natural space available is inherently connected to the environment. This is because within the environment, the use of spatial composition takes place and it emerges out of the unnoticed and disrespects pockets of location. These unnoticed locations are meticulously used in building and complementing the exact picture that the designer visualises in their mind.

Ian McHarg in his book ‘Design with Nature’ (McHarg, 1969) has shown and rediscovered the hidden gems of nature and how man and nature fit together very well. It was discovered in the book that nature has its own problems and people are going to solve them. He considers an example of how sea tides are to be saved by not constructing more powerful opposition to the sea waves, but by responding softly and building dunes and dikes that allows water to just be calm and content and not behave as an enemy. Ingold (2000) speaks about the different ways in which human perceive environments surrounding them and they tend to respond accordingly. This creates an overlapping web of natural designs which comes into existence when considered for design. The designs of constructed space are nothing else than the picture first viewed in man, and he making an effort to justify its execution and implementation. Turner and Penn (2002) identified how all humans have a visual model of the world they live in and the roads they walk on, and how expensive it becomes for agents of construction to really justify the broader execution of this vision. Cottenie (2005) in his research found that 50% of the variation in community composition of the space was due to the environmental and spatial composition, indicating that half of the designers or communities tend to use environment as the reference point for building their communities, while the other half succumbed to mass pressure of people’s thought, and adjust the livelihood with the specific requirements of the species and types of habitats.

The data collection was more interesting in terms of the different varieties of views that are gathered and proposed by authors and designers. The designers were more creative in their outlay of their own justification of the designs imagined, and authors have been finding ways of putting everything in proper place to get the message across to the audience. The data was easier to find, but harder to bifurcate and segregate according to the subject topic of spatial composition, the philosophy behind the design and the environmental relationship with the human movement and its surrounding.

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