


英國脫歐是近年來的一個現象,由於與世界上許多國家的聯繫和影響,英國脫歐在短時間內動搖了世界。一位駐中英兩國的外國記者對此次事件以及事件對兩國的影響有兩種不同的解讀。這是一個重要的現象,當涉及到英國和中國相互的金融影響。英國已經投票決定退出歐盟,這一進程將於2017年完成。在英國的記者將更接近政府的公告,並可能獲得來自政府當局的第一手信息。本記者將介紹所有的影響,並補充他的流行解釋,往往從與同事的討論和觀看其他電視媒體。新聞報道將呈現英國脫歐對英國公民的正面和負面影響,中國及其政府可能會對此進行清晰的分析。中國政府將通過了解英中兩國的互聯時代來研究英國脫歐對兩國的影響,並首先通過保護中國人民來展示他們的報道。這些新聞和事件將使中國在與英國進行雙邊或國際貿易時考慮下一步的行動,即使這樣,英國在與中國打交道時也會考慮到它的理想安全。英國退歐的原因必須分析,兩位記者也將分析,他們的原因也將不同。這是因爲英國記者將通過考慮英國公民的安全,發生了什麼如果英國與歐盟一直在中國記者將嘗試和深入挖掘等英國的行爲如果尋找一個虛假的宣傳,退出歐盟。這些不同解釋的原因是全球媒體仍然具有傳播的力量(Castells, 2007)。這一政治決定通過全球媒體變得更加詳盡,其解釋甚至更加崇高和累人。英國通過一些媒體渠道做出的退出決定解釋了一場危機,而另一些媒體則解釋了英國國內市場的內在力量,足以讓英國獨立生存下去,並從中獲得更多價值。這些更有價值和內在危機的概念是媒體給予的更廣泛的解讀,對成千上萬的地區媒體和中英兩國都產生了重大影響。


第二個可以用來分析英國脫歐對中英記者的影響及其對國際關係的影響的概念是大國主導的媒體帝國主義。自從BBC和CNN出現以來,美國和英國一直主導着國際媒體,世界已經準備好把這些媒體頻道看得比生命更大(Chadha和Kavoori, 2000)。英國脫歐問題已經在這些渠道上進行了大量討論,在中英兩國的記者們將會對英國脫歐對中英關係的影響有一個清晰的認識。考慮到媒體帝國主義,聲稱CNN效應徹底改變了國際關係的發展方式是值得懷疑的;就目前而言,當全球媒體變得司空見慣,每個人都知道重要事件的進出,對同一故事的相關性就會降低(Robinson, 2001)。因此,CNN效應,如果堅持它的主張是不正確的,並可能適用於早期媒體出現的時候,但不是現在,當媒體是一個專業機構,本身是一個競爭高質量的新聞和信息傳遞更簡單比容易。當每個人都知道英國退歐事件,並且每個人都大致瞭解它對國際關係的更廣泛影響時,媒體的角色就被縮短爲一個早期的或有特權的旁觀者。


Brexit is a recent phenomenon which for a short time had shaken the world of its owing to be connected to and impacting many countries worldwide. A foreign correspondent stationed in China and UK has two different interpretations about the event and the impact of the events on their countries. The phenomenon is an important one, when it comes to financial impact of UK and China in each other. UK has voted to exit the European Union, and the process shall be completed by 2017. The correspondent in UK will be closer to the government’s announcements and may have access to first-hand information coming from the government authorities. This correspondent will present all the impacts as it is and also add his popular interpretation, often gained from discussions with colleagues and by watching other television media. The news reportage will present the good and bad impacts of Brexit on the citizens of UK, and this may be clearly analysed by China and its government. The Chinese government will study the impact of Brexit on UK and China by understanding the interlink age of the two countries and present their reportage by safeguarding the people of China first. These news and events will make China think about its next move when it intends to deal with UK in terms of bilateral or international trade, and even so UK will think about its ideal safety when dealing with China. The reason why UK exited as a reason must be analysed and will be analysed by the two correspondents and their reasons will also be differing. This is because the UK correspondent will present it by considering the safety of UK citizens and what could have happened if UK has stayed with the EU, while the Chinese correspondent will try and dig deeper into such an act of UK as if searching for a false propaganda that it exited EU. The reason for these differing interpretations is the power of communication that remains with the global media (Castells, 2007). The political decision has become more elaborated through global media, and the interpretation is even more sublime and exhausting. UK exiting decisions through some media channels interpret a crisis, whereas some other interprets the inherent strength of the domestic UK market to be sufficient to survive on its own and derive more value. These concepts of more value and inherent crisis are broader interpretations given by media and they have had a significant impact on thousands of regional media and the two countries of UK and China concerned.


The second concept after power that can be used to analyse the impact of Brexit on UK and China correspondent and their corresponding impact on international relations is that is media imperialism dominated by the larger nations. The US and UK have been dominating international media ever since BBC and CNN have come into existence, the world has set stage to view these media channels as larger than life (Chadha and Kavoori, 2000). Brexit has discussed heavily on these channels and the correspondents in UK and China will have a clear view about the relevant impacts on the relations between UK and China. Considering media imperialism, the claim of CNN effect that it has overhauled the way international relations take place is questionable; for now when global media has become commonplace and everyone knows about important events in and out, there is less relevance about the same story (Robinson, 2001). Hence CNN effect, if sticks to its claims is incorrect and may have been applicable in earlier times when media was emerging, but not now when media is a professional body and is itself a competitor for good quality news and information passage is more simple than easier. When everyone knows about the Brexit event and everyone has a rough idea of broader impacts on international relations, the role of media is shortened to be an early or a privileged spectator.

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