


BLT fitness & well – being公司承受着巨大的维持压力。公司管理层已决定增加会员人数以维持下去。为此,他们推出了更新的项目和广告活动。他们决定利用社交媒体、在线网站、平面媒体作为广告活动的一部分来吸引更多的消费者。直线经理Marc对澳大利亚消费者法律(ACL)没有真正的了解。BLT公司非常认真地确保该公司遵守ACL法律。它多次声称服务和产品是不真实的。除此之外,广告活动的某些部分可以被认为是虚假的或误导性的,该公司还沉迷于不公平的销售技巧。公司应该整顿一些广告宣传活动,改变销售策略,以避免未来可能出现的法律问题。该公司依赖于最新的食品促销活动,它不想忍受任何可能的法律问题。







BLT fitness & Wellbeing Company is under a lot of pressure to sustain. The company management has decided to boost membership to sustain. For this they have launched newer programs and ad campaigns. They have decided to use social media, online website, print media as a part of ad campaign to bring in more consumers. The Line manager, Marc has no real knowledge about Australian Consumer Law (ACL). BLT company is serious about ensuring that the company is compliant with the ACL laws. It has made several claims about the services and products that are not true. Apart from this, some parts of the advertising campaign can be considered as falsified or misleading, the company has also indulged in unfair sales techniques. The company should rectify some of the advertising campaign and change its sales strategy to avoid possible legal issues in the future. The company is depending on the newer promotions for sustenance and it does not want to endure any possible legal issues.

I have been asked by the company to analyze and identify any foreseeable risks to prevent any legal issues from the government and the consumers in the future.


The company is found to breach several section of the Australian Consumer law. They could incur civil or criminal liability in the form of fines or from damage claim. I would recommend that the company immediately corrects the advertising campaign and also gain the consent of the existing BLT consumer to sell the magazines. The actions of the company could be considered as unconscionable conduct and be liable for fines up to 1.1. million dollars. The courts can also use Section 224 to give additional fine amount.

There is contravention of Section 18, S19, S 20, S21, S22, S151, S 29(1)(a), S 29(1)(b), S 29(1)(g), S 29(1)(e), s 29(1)(f) S 40, S41, S42 and each contravention has a pecuniary fine of 1.1 million. The reasons about each one of these laws have been probed in detail.

The company should change many of its adverting campaigns if it wants to continue in the business. I have tried to use the previous case laws to explain the issues.

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