





关于有机农业是否足以养活世界上所有的人,一直存在着争论。有大量的人包括企业高管,许多农业和生态农业研究科学家和其他一些相关的国际专家,相信在不久的将来,可能会有一个伟大的转变农业从传统农业向有机农业实践。这可能是因为有机农业的增长(Mader et al., 2002)。它不仅将有助于为人民提供粮食,而且还将有助于消除与贫困有关的问题。

然而,这种想法很难被很多人接受。这是因为有机农业是免费的每一种农药,合成肥料和其他工具,这是为了获得更高的农业产量(Reisch et al., 2013)。相反,有机农民依靠饲养越来越多的动物来达到不同的目的,包括准备肥料、种植豆类、三叶草或其他固氮豆类(Hole et al., 2005)。除此之外,它可以通过使用不同来源的肥料来完成,这些肥料不是在化工厂生产的,而是从土地、水和许多其他资源中获得的。由于有机耕作中缺乏使用合成肥料,可以假定作物也可能遭受一些疾病,为了控制这些与虫害有关的问题,有机农民在很大程度上依赖于轮作作物(Reganold et al., 1987)。这也是一个问题,因为一种主食无法在已经种植了玉米和小麦的土地上生长(Marsden and Morley, 2014)。


In the present times, the need for healthy food products has been increasing to a large extent. In has also led to the rise in the demand for organic farming. Organic culture can be defined as the farming which does not relies on the use of the synthetic inputs. These synthetic inputs include some of the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, genetically modified seeds, preservatives and additives. These are also replaced by some of the site specific practices related to management which help in maintenance of the fertility of the soil for a longer time period. So, in the present world, the organic farming is one of such farming methods that can be effectively and efficiently used in the different farming practises which are being practised all over the world. In this report, the discussion will be focussed on the question if the organic farmers can produce enough food which may be enough for the purpose of feeding all the people of the world. In addition to this, there will be a discussion on the role of organic farming in sustainable food systems.

Can organic farmers produce enough food to feed the world?


There has been an ever going debate on the, topic if organic farming may be enough to feed all the people in the world. There are a large number of people including the business executives, many of the agricultural and ecological scientists and some other international experts related to agricultural research who believe that in the near future, there may be a great shift in the farming practices from the traditional farming to the organic farming. This would be possible because of the increase in the organic farming (Mäder et al., 2002). It will help not only to provide food for the people, but also to eradicate the problems related to poverty.

Though, this kind of thought is difficult to absorb by many. This is because organic farming is free from each and every pesticide, synthetic fertilizers and other tools which are used in order to get the higher yields of agriculture (Reisch et al., 2013). Organic farmers, instead of this depends on the raising of more and more number of animals for the different purpose which may include the preparation of manure, growing of the beans, clover or other nitrogen fixing legumes (Hole et al., 2005). In addition to this, it can be done by using the different sources of fertilizers which cannot be produced in the chemical plant, but it is obtained from the sources such as land, water and many other resources. Because of the lack of the use of synthetic fertilizers in organic farming, it can be assumed that the crops may also suffer from a number of diseases In order to control these problems related to pests, the organic farmers largely depend on the rotating crops (Reganold et al., 1987). This is also a problem as a staple cannot grow on the field on which already corn of wheat has grown (Marsden and Morley, 2014).

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