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谷歌的业务适用于以有效地向更广泛的社会提供产品和服务为核心目的的经济活动部分(Carter, 2009)。这同样适用于谷歌具有其他目的的商业和经济活动。谷歌可以定义为个人在产品和服务生产中为在消费者市场上销售此类服务和产品而付出的努力,并通过这种有组织的努力获得成果和回报。这在功能上被定义为涉及生产和购买产品的人类活动,其目的是将产品交付给消费者,并获得一定的利润。谷歌作为一个组织不能改变外部环境,但可以提供他们的反应(Cateora, 2008)。


对业务的内部组件进行修改的目的是获得外部呈现的机会并体验相关环境的威胁。因此,为谷歌评估行业内成功和生存的组织环境是至关重要的(Hitt et al., 2012)。这表明了管理者在商业环境分析中所扮演的角色的重要性,以确保能够追求合适的商业战略(Drucker, 2007)。谷歌从社会本身产生人力资源、技术、信息、资本、原材料和能源。本组织遵循b0制定的规章制度、文化的社会规范和价值、全球联盟、区域条约、财务规则以及政府的税收政策。因此,由于谷歌在业务的动态环境中进行操作,所以它是一个动态的业务实体。


The business of Google is applied to the economic activities portion that has the core purpose of delivering products and services to the broader society effectively (Carter, 2009). The same is applicable to the commercial and economic activities of Google that holds alternative purposes. Google can be defined as an effort of individuals in products and services production for selling such services and goods in the consumer market and gain results and rewards through this effort in organized manner . This is functionally defined as such human activities that involve production as well as purchase of products with the intent of delivering them to the consumers with a margin of profit. Google as an organization cannot modify the external environment but can provide with their reactions (Cateora, 2008).


The internal components of the business are modified for the purpose of obtaining the opportunities present externally and experience the threats of the associated environment. Hence, it is critical to assess the organizational environment for succeeding and surviving within the industry for Google (Hitt et al., 2012). This indicated the essentiality of the manager’s role in business environment analysis to ensure that the appropriate strategy of business can be pursued (Drucker, 2007). Google yields the human resources, technology, information, capital, raw materials and energy from the society itself. This organization follows the regulations and rules devised by the government, societal norms and value of culture, global alignment, regional treaty, financial rules along with the governmental policies of tax. Therefore, Google is a dynamic business entity due to its operations within the dynamic environment of business.

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