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上述引言暗示,便士报界对丑闻的揭露导致马修斯被贴上骗子的标签,削弱了他的追随者的信仰。这场革命在19世纪引发了与马修斯利益相冲突的重大变革,其结果是邪教被视为真理,并证明马修斯是一个错误的先知。最重要的变化是观念的变化以及性别角色的变化。不仅要求男性在社会中以公平的方式发挥作用,而且要求他们不自私(Johnson and Wilentz, 2012)。重点已转移到妇女的自由和权利上。妇女工作所得的工价和家务劳动所得的工价,都是给她们的,使她们有馀剩的。因此,出现了与定型的性别角色有关的激进思想,因为每个成员都能对王国的行为形成自己的真正意见。我们发现,当追随者们意识到马提亚的错误行为时,他已经成为了媒体的轰动人物,被认定为假先知和国家丑闻。


“In 1834 and 1835 Matthias was one of the first penny-press sensations in American history—the main protagonist in a deeply disturbing scandal that received unprecedented national attention.”

One of the religious alternations made by Matthias can be viewed in the following quote. “Matthew bellowed that she didn’t understand him, that she was faithless. All she wanted was a new stove, or some new clothes, or a better apartment, or some other worldly comfort. She stood in the way of all he was destined to accomplish, especially in his religious work. A bad spirit had entered the woman, he said, a spirit that traveled out from her to others and opposed him at every turn. The whippings, supposedly, drove the sprit out”.


The above quote implies that the uncovering of the scandal by the penny press resulted in Mathews being labeled as impostor which diluted the belief of his followers. The revolution had triggered substantial changes in the 19th century that conflicted with the interests of Matthews as a result of which the cult was seen for what it is and showcased the Matthews to be a false prophet. The primary change that was of importance was the changes within the outlook as well as roles on gender. It was required that not only male functions in society in a fair manner, but also it was required that they are not selfish (Johnson and Wilentz, 2012). The focus had shifted on the freedom and rights of the women. It provided with the wages for the work that were done by the women and wages for the household work was provided to them in order to bring the balance. Therefore, the radical thinking had emerged related to the stereotypical gender roles because of which each member were able to form their true opinion on the conduct of the Kingdom. It has been found that by the time the followers realized about the wrong doings of the Matthias, he had already became the sensation of media and was recognized as the false prophet as well as national scandal.

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