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The league had a Congress as a central government institution and had one delegate with vote elected by the state legislatures. Each state retained its freedom, independence and sovereignty under the articles. The new rules and regulation of the states of Congress does not include levy taxes and also cannot regulate the trade and commerce. The revenue was earned from different states and contributing to the privately owned value land within the borders. The Congress was provided with limited powers that included jurisdiction over the foreign relations with the authorities to make alliances and treaties, maintain a navy and army, which can make peace or war, money circulation, can establish admiral courts and can serve as the last resort on dispute appeals between the states. Congress can also make decisions on certain specified matters such as entering treaties, making war and regulating coinage.


There were disagreements over the actions of the tax forecast the divisions over the slavery in Constitutional Convention. A draft of Dickson was required to provide funds to Congress as per the number of inhabitants, white and black, expect the Indians were not paying the taxes. The southern states opposed the requirements with having a large number of slaves, arguing that the taxes should be based on the white inhabitants in the country. Congress stated that contribution of each state should rest on the value of its improvements and land.

Congress had less desire and little time to take action in the middle of the war on such matters as fugitive slaves and slave trade issues were receiving much attention in a constitutional convention. The confederation was described in the Article III as the firm league of friendship for the security of their liberties, general and mutual welfare and their common defense.

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