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The advantages of this research are that it points to the important variables that need to be considered in the teaching processes. From this, the gaps in the current teaching processes and the methodologies can be understood. There is a need for practice based learning that is fostered in this research. Apart from this, innate teacher beliefs are found to be an important factor that determined the teaching process. This could lead to the formation of the gaps. However, this is a qualitative research with limited number of participants.


In this process, there can be overlooking of the overall trends. The results can be skewed or the bias of the participants could be reflected in the research data that has been collated. Nevertheless, the research can be used as a focal point to generate trends and more research can be undertaken to determine the variables. Hence this research can be used as a focal point to develop future research variables. The specifics and quantitative analysis with the research data can be used in the future research. It explores the importance of the teaching methods and reiterates the importance of practice based learning methodologies.

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