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The mass persuasion campaign aims at identifying the responses of people towards marijuana legalization by the current government. In this process, the campaign gets varied types of responses – protest, support and neutral thoughts. The article has been delivered with adequate supporting evidences to help people to take decisions. It has got high reception. As the issue is likely to affect the country on the whole, participatory media has played a crucial role to reach the issue to the user. Broadcasting platforms such as online news portals have listed both advantages and disadvantages.


Those articles that support the legalization directly work with the business owners and investors who have observed the worth of industry and wanted to make good returns from it. On the other hand, few articles have thrown light on public interests and evidences to prove that this issue will worsen the situation. The important part of this campaign is its support to people to take decisions without the influence of beneficiaries . The issue exists since a long time but it has gained attention in the recent times because of the growing number of crimes, victims and healthcare costs. Critics of the campaign are mostly people who have regarded weed as deadly and highlighted the move of government to be unhealthy and unproductive. Few others have believed that cannabis usage exists in the country since independence declaration and should not be abolished. The choice of participatory media to understand the reviews and interests is appropriate to this issue.

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