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Few other critics have studied the campaign from political perspective . As Trump team supports anti weed strategies, it is clear that this presidency can bring in positive changes to the country. There is a possibility for people to demand dangerous products such as hookers and guns if weeds are to be legalized. This shows their aggressiveness towards the issue. There are few critics / experts who have entirely understood the issue and suggested for random drug tests before medical marijuana is prescribed. This is an effective way to utilize the product once it is legalized. All these clearly show that the results comprise of mixed thoughts.


Marijuana legalization is a continuous issue due to the high number of addicted people to the product. Soon after Trump’s government has taken charge, they have been pushed to legalize use of weeds in the remaining states as people have consented to the same. The mass persuasion campaign has played an effective role for the decision makers to study the attitudes of people if the government implements this strategy. Throughout this assignment, the role of media and relationship with the consumers are studied at various instances. These are meant to identify if the choices of tools are right and can help the researcher to directly interact and accept the reviews of the users. It is an interesting move and can turn into a revolution depending on the decision.

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