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Elton Mayo proposed the human relationship theory. In this the focus was on the individual and their social relationships with the work. These were about how the people performed well under collective social arrangements. These are found to increase the worker management and it considered the employee social relationships. The focus was on the collectivistic notions of the people where the intangible rewards were focused more when compared to the monetary rewards. There was a both formal and informal group that was found to influence the worker behavior.


The modern HR practices and the notions of self-working teams find its roots in this system. However, there are certain tangible commitments that the people need to meet in order to remain productive. These are some of the most important factors that need to be considered. Hence the human management theory is important. However, certain tenets of the conventional theories cannot be omitted. In this paradigm, to address the gaps, the system theory of people management was developed.


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