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The underlying causes of stress cause and are impact on the people needs to analyse both from a macroscopic and microscopic perspective. Individuals more often than not are not productive when they assume that the people do not meet their needs. They start to develop resentment towards the management of the companies and these causes the management a range of issues that they need to deal with. These need to be analysed in order to determine the appropriate solutions.


When the job is a stressful environment there is a need that would automatically rise based on the stresses of the situation. The frameworks for the occupational stress are based around the same principle as the P­E fit theory. They are found to have two similar basic premises. The first factor is that the stress arises owing to the disconcert between person and environment. The second factor is the subjective perceptions of work environments and the individual ability to handle such issues. These two differences are found to cause strain between the people and the environment. There is a considerable gap and these are then amplified when the people sense that the management do not care for their well-being. These create a system of hostility and resentment. These would create a range of issues for the companies. These would ultimately cause the company to face failure and the company will not meet the objectives of the situation .

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