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Gender equality is fundamental in education for its complete realization. UNESCO has been promoting equality through and in education for ensuring that boys, girls, men and women have complete accessibility of learning opportunities. There has to be fair treatment in the processes of learning, to ensure achievement of equitable outcomes and advancement in the lifespan. There has to be a mandatory implementation of broad and significant agenda of education while covering several challenging problems. These include persistent encounter of exclusion, inequity, and inequality in the changing and diverse contexts. This increases the need for introduction of gender perspective to each and every aspect of teacher training and education, notably planning and policy, instructional materials, pedagogy, curriculum development and budgeting . The mainstreaming of gender needs to transform the culture of learning and teaching processes, accountability and teacher education institutions.


The mainstreaming process of gender is progressing significantly in policies of national section across a number of nations . However, as a result of a number of interconnected factors, the key challenge lies in the transformation of institutional practices and cultures. All across the globe, there is manifestation of gender inequalities in a number of aspects of education that include career opportunities, choices, success, retention, and access. This is an outcome and a cause of gender stereotyping and systematic discrimination.


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