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In the capacity of providing security for ACA Colleges as the Network administrator, it is imperative to understand the risks in one environment. When risk identification and hazard assessment is done, it is important to consider what could suffer an impact because of the risk. The network administrator will need to create an assessment of the existing assets, so as to have them prioritized and have some proactive plan to protect them. The company assets are to be protected based on the necessity to resume business after the disaster. The most probably vulnerability leading to issues for these assets, and threats are then identified. There could be much vulnerability in the system and it is the role of the network administrator to ensure that such vulnerabilities are addressed and brought up to date in terms of protection. The following vulnerability is rated on a 4 point scale where 1 is the most critical of the vulnerabilities.Threats to assets and functions might occur and based on the threats it is necessary to do processing that addresses the threats. In any contingency planning for networks and computers, research studies had shown that the threat could be summarized as threats arising because of environmental support systems such as electricity, water and gas.

The threats that happen because of system hardware, software and the telecommunications support units connecting them and the threat to facility (Hiatt, 2000). In addition to this, there can also be threats in the form of intentional abuse to the systems, but this threat is not considered here. Human errors are associated with all three. In terms of the internal threat, the threats of infrastructure of the network and the infrastructure in which the network is housed will all come under context. The network itself could come under internal threat because of the employees either behaving intentionally (maliciously) or unintentionally. Unauthorized access or improper use of passwords and more are also internal threats. Threats in the form of data loss and later recovery issues might occur in such cases where there is no proper backup and storage of data. An internal threat could cost the organization nothing in some cases and in others such as a physical damage to network and network elements could cost more. On an average, the cost for a network with just workstations and basic router set up could cost as much as 13000 USD and more (Servers options alone range from 500-1000USD and more) in addition include the cost of recovering lost information, or the issues that occur as a consequence of their damage and more.


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