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My subject of the photography project is about my friends Lin and Wilson, both of whom are in a homosexual group. This project has just recorded a small part of their daily life, and explored how the homosexual people could get along with other people around them.The twelve images of my gay friends, Lin and Wilson, which are used in the photography project, made up of the daily life vignettes of my friends, by virtue of which they usually depict the relationship between them and their friends or lovers. The starting idea of my project topic was when I saw a report about a group of male homosexuals in China. It attempted to use massive negative descriptions and pictures in a gloomy and dark style to imply that those gays in China will be more likely to have an uncertain and depressive future.


In addition to Lin’s photos, I am also fond of Wilson’s photos. Although Wilson’s facial expressions are not that rich in comparison with those of Lin’s, I captured the moment when his friend was applying a nail polish to his nails, and he put his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder when they were watching TV together. You could see that the realistic status of their daily life is also very sweet and comfortable. I believe the daily life of my gay friends Lin and Wilson that have been photographed is relevant with an attempt to find the intimate relationship between them and people around them. Also, it’s great pleasure for me to take this course, because it has provided me the chance to record the life moments of Lin and Wilson. The photographs and this project have improved our friendship after I get further into their world.

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