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正在为恢复和应急计划编写的IT公司是AusComp Pty Ltd.。该公司位于第一层,在同一层上为10,000多名员工运行工资和人力资源服务器。数据备份是使用磁带完成的,这里没有使用防火墙。这是第一批值得注意的风险,这些是与技术相关的风险。这些假设是有一个中等到高水平的发生,而且它还假设目前公司没有一个适当的恢复和应急计划。公司的第二套风险是由于公司的地理位置,即环境和物理风险。该公司位于昆士兰的布里斯班,那里有大量的降雨。现在水管破了,一楼淹水了。工资和电子邮件服务的服务器受到了广泛的损害。这些被认为是非常低的发生率。


这项工作的目的是创建一个灾难和应急计划,以防止此类问题在AusComp Pty Ltd.的未来发生。基于RAID, AusComp Pty Ltd.为该公司提出了关于未来如何保存工作的建议。灾难和应急计划的重要部分是准备。灾难和应急计划的目的是为公司预见风险和危险事件,然后根据风险做好准备,这样就不会发生下一次或者如果它发生了,那么影响的程度就会降低。作为灾害管理周期的一部分,应急管理署规定了四个关键步骤。第一步是预防和缓解,准备(应急计划部分,3)应急响应和重建,恢复到正常的时间表。


The IT company for which the recovery and the contingency plan is being written for is the AusComp Pty Ltd. The company is located on the first floor and runs a server for payroll and human resources on the same floor for more than 10,000 employees, on the same server. Data backup is done using tapes and no firewalls are being used here. This is the first set of risks noticeable, and these are technology related risks. These are assumed as having a medium to high level of occurrence and it also assumed that the company at present does not have a proper recovery and contingency plan.The second set of risks for the company are because of the location of the company, which are environmental and physical risks. The company is located in Brisbane, Queensland where it receives a major amount of rainfall. Now a water pipe has broken and the first floor is flooded. There is extensive damage to servers for the payroll and email services. These are assumed to be a very low occurrence.

The aim of this work is to create a disaster and contingency plan to prevent this sort of problem from happening in the future at AusComp Pty Ltd. Recommendations made for the company based on RAID on how they should save up work in the future. The important part of the disaster and contingency plan is to be prepared. The aim of disaster and contingency planning is to foresee risks and hazardous events for the company and then based on the risks prepare for it, so that it might not happen the next time or if it does then the level of impact would be less. There are four key steps prescribed by FEMA as part of the disaster management cycle in general. The first step is that of 1) Prevention and Mitigation, 2) Preparedness (the contingency planning sections, 3) Emergency Response and 4) Reconstruction, rehabilitation to move onto a normal schedule.

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