




管理体育组织中的人员需要找到合适的资源,雇佣资源,开发人员,确保低员工流动率(Paharia, and Singh, 2016)。应该根据员工的表现给予他们应有的奖励和认可。公司内部应保持问责制和透明度。应该包括适当的程序正义。管理人才、个人和资源需要特别的机智和对体育组织动态的理解。分析体育组织是当务之急。体育组织涉及到一个错综复杂的系统网络。为了从综合的角度理解这些问题,本文以全国体育联合会组织为例进行了案例分析。应该分析文化以及如何跨文化管理人员。



Employee of the company is feeling excluded from the main group or the inner circle of the company. The company should devise ways in which they should make all the people within the company included as a part of the team. This would enable the company to meet goals. There are many facets in a sports organization that need to be managed along with people management. All the people in the teams should work in cohesion to ensure that the company faces the external challenges. In this case, the manager should develop strategies to make the employee more attuned towards the primary objective of the company. This would ensure that there is holistic growth in the company.


Managing of people in a sports organization entails finding the right resources, hiring resources, developing the people, ensuring that there is low employee turnover (Paharia, and Singh, 2016). There should be due rewards, recognition provided to the people based on their performance. Accountability and transparency should be maintained within the company. There is due procedural justice that should be encompassed. Managing of talent, personal and resources requires special tact and understanding of the dynamics of the sports organization. There is an imperative need to analyze the sports organization. There is an intricate network of system that is involved in the sports organization. To understand these issues from a comprehensive angle, case study analysis of National sports federation organization has been probed in this analysis. There should be analysis of the culture and how to manage people across the cultures.

The purpose of this analysis is to develop a culture model for the company to ensure that there is better employee relationship.

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