


应立即观察该区域是否有瘀伤肿胀。不建议取出导管,因为可能需要用更多的抗生素或解毒剂填充导管(Polit, & Beck 2013)。在打电话给医生之前,应该对是否正确地插入导管进行初步评估。应注意病人的体温,并与病人讨论是否有疼痛。必须注意生命体征,如排尿量和任何可能的水肿。


埃斯波西托先生应在《国家药物管理计划》(MMP)表格中正确填写药物的详细信息。应确保病人在手术前8至12小时内不吃任何东西。糖尿病病史、胆固醇、血糖水平应适当记录。应该准确地给药。通常心导管插入术不需要使用镇静剂以外的其他药物(Polit, & Beck 2013)。尽管如此,医生还是会根据病人的病史开处方。因此,医生处方的剂量、给药途径和给药时间都必须相应地注明。



Immediate observation should be done to see if there is swelling of bruising in the area. It is not recommended to remove the catheter, as there could be a need to fill it with more antibiotics or antidotes (Polit, & Beck 2013). Before calling the doctor there should be preliminary assessment made if the tube is inserted properly. Patient’s temperature should be noted along with discussing with the patient if there is any pain. Vital signs like urine output and any probably Oedema must be noted.

On hearing this situation, ward clerk will be immediately requested to take care of toilet situation.

Mr. Esposito details of medication should be filled properly in the National Medication Management Plan (MMP) form. It should be ensured that the patient did not eat anything 8 to 12 hours before the surgery. Patient case history of Diabetes, cholesterol, sugar levels should be documented properly. Accurate dosage of the sedative should be administered. Usually for Cardiac catheterisation, there is no need for other medicines other than sedatives (Polit, & Beck 2013). Nevertheless Doctors prescribe medicines based on the individual case history. Hence the doctor prescription amount of the dosage, route of the dosage and time of dosage must be noted accordingly.

After this there will be discussion with the VMO consultant. Code of Ethics for Nurse in Australia has mandated rules for each of the activities and Code of Professional Conduct for Nurse will be discussed with the VMO.

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