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Attraction of top talent to Qantas: There has been high stress in Qantas regarding the lessening of the labour costs, engagement and development of its people. Even the pilots have abused their post by solicitation of public encouragement from the cockpit; there had been a strike by the people who handle baggage. All these had been the case when market was highly sensitive. This destroys the shareholder value in the short run and does not lead to any kind of value creation for the business. Therefore, it is important for Qantas to sell itself in front of the candidates that it wants to hire. Since there has been a shortage of talent, Qantas needs to build up a corporate culture that can attract the most suitable candidates.
Flexible work arrangements: Since there has been high competition, the industry demands that Qantas works in a 24×7 format. The present generation of staff members laid stress on working with in a flexible setup and they do not want it to be just of 9 to 6 job. With this, the decorum of the company is not disturb, rather Qantas is able to provide individuals with a better flexibility and it expects better productivity from them in return.
The intense workload on the employees is the cause for lack of support and teamwork of HRD acts. The analysis of Qantas explained that managers perceived the working hours and output as more significant than giving workers with the necessary training, therefore, their disruptive behaviour had been experienced. One more problem is workforce incapability to transmit knowledge from the training courses attended and relate this knowledge to the place of work. This is because of managerial lack of support for the transmission of training.
The pessimistic approach of staffs of Qantas can be harmful and challenging as behavioural transforms, performance development and business efficiency might get impacted.


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