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The expo 2010 Shanghai Dubai has got numerous long term economic impacts. As it gave the opportunity to the country to unleash its potential, UAE and Dubai came forward to transform the locality into a business hub. This actually created jobs for many and also developed arena for technological developments and innovations. The profile of Shanghai improved by several times. This is the first long term economic impact achieved as a result of this event.
The second impact is the urbanization. So far, the economy of people in Shanghai has been slightly above the poverty line and there has been a shortage of opportunities because countries have not identified the resources (Otmazgin, 2014). As a result, other nations did not want to invest in this unattractive land. However, after this event was held, the budgets thoroughly urbanized the locality with better infrastructure and new opportunities that attracted the visitors. It also made Shanghai a developed city with all facilities so that people do not have to migrate to other locations for any need (Chan, 2010). This intelligence has impacted in the economy as Middle East and Africa worked forward to enhance the infrastructure of the city and make it attractive to the world.
The management of large scale exhibition has shown the potential of organizers to the world. As a result, it attracted other countries to invest in construction projects. This has eventually improved the infrastructure and made the location accessible from all other countries. The tourism industry greatly benefited out of this event as visitors were impressed with the arrangements of the city and continued to visit frequently for various reasons. This will impact the economy on the positive side (Sophia, 2013).
The final impact that is expected to be achieved is the recognition by UN. If this happened, Shanghai will also receive social security and other cultural treaties that will strengthen relations with other UN member nations. This will proliferate the economy of the city and also offer infrastructure support in terms of healthcare, retirement savings, education and mediclaim policies.


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