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本文主要介绍的是战略领导,对于在战略领导能力和领导能力方面正面临成功的现有组织的研究,可以以这里为例。一个实际的发展计划可以被开发(Beck和Yeager, 2005)。首先,组织的战略敏感性和领导的敏捷性是相互关联的。组织的战略敏感性是组织对其所拥有的机会非常关注的方面。他们预测机会,并根据这些机会计划。根据不同的数据解读(Right Management Group, 2017),制定了基于现实世界秩序的战略。研究发现,组织在战略上是敏感的,他们的领导者更有洞察力。本篇美国代写毕业论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The research studies on existing organizations who are facing success when it comes to strategic leadership capabilities and leadership abilities can be taken as an example here. A practical development plan can be developed (Beck and Yeager, 2005). Now firstly strategic sensitivity of the organization and leadership agility are connected. Strategic sensitivity of an organization is the aspects of organization where the organization is very mindful of the opportunities that they have. They anticipate opportunities and are seen to plan based on these opportunities. Strategies are planned on realistic world order and based on the different interpretation of data (Right Management Group, 2017). Studies identified that where organizations are strategic sensitive, then their leaders are more insightful. Anticipation and foresight increases and this improves organizational resilience. New options can be created better, and the organizational communication practices are improved better as well. In addition, it is identified that the organization can continuous evolve when it comes to competitive landscapes. These expectations in competitive landscapes are easily met by the leader who can adapt strategic sensitivity (Horney et al., 2010). The leader who works on strategic sensitivity options can be called an agile leader (Joiner and Josephs, 2006).

Secondly, to increase leadership agility, it is necessary to improve resource fluidity and communication. This part of the development plan is needed to ensure that the organization in question adopts strategic options with more flexible standpoint (Swisher, 2013; Crocitto and Youssef, 2003). An organization that is seen to be suffering issues already would not be able to flexible enough in choosing solutions if the organization is very much contained in its choices (Pixton et al., 2010). Resources must be given the needed autonomy and should not be encouraged by the leaders all the time to just follow a rulebook. If necessary, the leaders must encourage the employees to work with a we-win approach, where the employees would believe they are part of the organizational success. Communicating hence becomes a critical element here, as the combined sense of actions of the resources will be needed for maintaining strategic advantage (McKenzie and Aitken, 2012). Therefore, in the organization, resources would have to be given better fluidity and better communication protocols should have been present.


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