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在价格细分市场的全球营销组合中,定价技术应该以消费者可以轻松地选择的方式来执行,而不是其他竞争者的产品和服务。麦当劳产品的价格部分应遵循公司的目标、细分市场、消费者偏好、产品市场结构和竞争强度。麦当劳的管理需要重点关注出口价格、价格的升级和保险、关税(Kotler和Keller, 2016)。通货膨胀应该集中在管理上,这是对不受控制的通货膨胀和紧张的关注。

如果通货膨胀率非常严重或不受控制,那么应对通货膨胀的一些替代方法就应该像通货膨胀一样。在麦当劳这个案例中,汇率和转移定价是一个很重要的问题,因为它设计了进入新市场的全球营销计划(Kotler et al., 2015)。在决定价格区间的情况下,管理层需要关注反倾销法规,在决定全球价格时考虑这些规则。


As per the global marketing mix of the price segment, the pricing techniques should be executed in the manner that consumers can easily grow their choices than the other competitor’s products and services. The price segment of the products of McDonald should follow the company goals, segments, consumer preferences, product market structure and the intensity of competitions. The management of McDonald needs to focus on the export price, escalation to make the shipping price and the insurance, tariffs (Kotler and Keller, 2016). Inflation should be focused on the management which is a concern about uncontrolled inflation and intense.

If inflation rates are rampant or uncontrolled, then some alternatives of counter inflation should be engaged as per the changing components product inflation. Exchange rates and transfer pricing are matters in this case of McDonald as per designing the global marketing program for entering the new markets (Kotler et al., 2015). In this situation of deciding the price segment, the management needs to focus on Anti-dumping regulations, which is considered when deciding the global price.


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