




Bus schedule, train lane connectivity with bike parking and bus stops. Now from the transportation data of Monash, the ranking and mapping could be provided in research strategic issues. From the founded strategic issues, the essential issues that should be considered in implementation are insufficient supply of accessible train stations, poor bus feeder and distribution system and non inclusive transport infrastructure, poorly oriented public transport marketing, lack of bicycle facilities, disincentives discourage people from using public transport. Now, the vision of this poster is to provide access to the efficient public transport and thereby to establish connection within and into the city of Monash. The lack of bicycle facilities could be upgraded and reconstructed through several maintenance programs and bicycle parking area construction. In order to overcome poor bus feeder, distribution system and non inclusive transport infrastructure, standard bus route design, bus routes and regular bus schedules could be provided and this could help the economy to implement it in the accessible public transport standards. Finally, the timeline of implementation will include oriented public transport marketing, and the whole sector of transport will contain shares and economic common strategies for stakeholders, state government, local government, private companies and community. Thus, the Monash public transportation, along with several governmental and private sectors could work together to strive for the achievement of goals in reducing the strategic plans and issues in a very beneficial way and this will help the SWOT analysis to enhance the efficiency of the transport.
Here, the poster of Moreland compact city deals with the strategic issues and the main issue is about the analysis related to the compact city and its city stage with mixed use development, high density, public transport prioritization, community facilities, sustainable infrastructure and several implementation plans. The main vision of this project is to realize the sustainable and equitable Moreland city and the associated regions through the creation, development and implementation of the successful compact city. In order to build a compact city within the Moreland, several principles are considered and the most important principles will include mixed use development, high density progress, prioritized public transportation and the completion of communities.

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