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Confucianism does not have a foundation of their belief in the virtues that it considers to be valuable. This is evident when it does not have a definition of what is right and wrong conduct in a family, but is proposing a system where one must perform right deeds and avoid wrong ones. Hinduism, has a different viewpoint which encourages more intellectual discourses because it believes that most of the decisions are contextual in life and there may not be a universal solution of defining an act as right or wrong. Thus, virtues in Confucianism are external, measured by the conduct of an individual, and also carried forward by way of teaching to the future generations. In contrast, virtues in Hinduism are both external, seen in the daily practices of worshipping the respective Gods, performing rituals, and internal, seen in the practices such as self-restraint of the senses, being silent, being celibate, being austere, meditating regularly on the Brahman, and acquiring wisdom by self-contemplation.
Confucianism’s Tian is equivalent to the Brahman of the Hinduism. Tian relates to the ‘sky’, ‘heaven’, or the ‘Great One’, and ‘Brahman’ relates to the Supreme Reality which pervades all, and is changeless. This is the most common similarity between the two religions. They are more similar in the underlying intent of maintaining universal harmony among all species, but have different beliefs and customs to achieve the same. Confucianism and Hinduism consider the acquisition of virtues as the prime goal of an individual since they will lead them to a divine afterlife and make one emancipate. The non-virtuous are considered as opponents and are subject to self-destruction according to both religions. Thus, there are more similarities in their intent of sustaining pious lives and destroying unethical and anti-virtuous forces.
The importance of acquiring virtues is the central theme of both religions, and they consider it as the primary goal of an individual, without which life would be self-destructive. Humaneness, benevolence, loyalty, righteousness, and integrity forms the primary virtues of Confucianism, whereas self-restraint, non-violence, tolerance, patience, self-control, controlling anger, cleanliness, and celibacy forms the virtues essential in Hinduism. Confucianism has virtues which are measured externally and visibly, whereas the virtues of Hinduism are also measured visually by observation and also in the inaction and internal processes of the individual. Both religions are pure and have a noble intent to harmonize the world and maintain peace, but displays different ways of attaining them.


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