






Prejudice is something that has inflexibility and irrational behaviors and suggestions held by group members or multiple groups with regard to either social status, race or culture etc. The act of prejudice implies to consist of pre-judgmental notions about other people from other groups with distinct cultural or social practices.

I have also experienced a similar stance of prejudice at the age of 20 years, approximately 4 years back from now. This prejudice occurred with regard to color and I can say this because of what I experiences (Bourdieu, et al., 2000). I wouldn’t call it discrimination but simply an inflexibility with irrational behavior. Prejudice of such nature as I am going to explain have the probability of leading towards discrimination even though it is possible to remain prejudiced while also not acting on the behavior. This incident took place in a bus when I was travelling to my aunt’s place in Sydney. Due to the darker complexion of a person’s skin, I refused to sit next to the person and I preferred to stand. She offered by pleading various times but I preferred to keep away and stand. However, I knew I am not doing this intentionally but there was something that repelled the thought of sitting next to the person. Merely this prejudice must have been acquired by me from the stories that my grandfather narrated to me as a child. According to most sociologists such as Barnes et al 1999, some emotionality develops in prejudice from subconscious behavior that can cause an individual to remove inadequate feelings projected against others.

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