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本篇文章主要講述建築與社會發展,以二條城為例,可以說,建築可以被結構和空間的形態,以及材料和色彩的影響,在經過創作的迫切和最初的需要之後,不斷地說服和脅迫。再往前看,以布達拉宮為例,它一直在無情地塑造統治者和臣民的行為。通過這種方式,可以說明,架構可以成功地維護自治的權威和知識上的依賴,從而宣布自己的政治信息,而不必再次提及最初的目的(Ching 129)。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Considering the case of Nijo Castle, it can be stated that architecture can be used for continuously convincing and coercing by the configuration of structure and space, and the influence of materials and colours, long after the urgent and initial need for passing the creation. Further ahead, considering the case of Potala Palace, it has been continuously moulding the behaviour of ruler and subject alike in an inexorable manner. In this manner, it can be stated that architecture can be successful in asserting an autonomous authority and intellectual dependence for proclaiming own political message without referring to the original purpose necessarily again (Ching 129). In this context, it was stated by (Roberts et al. 35):
“The most far reaching difference between open and domesticated societies, between Paleolithic and Neolithic societies, between hunter/gatherers and agriculturalists, between nomads and sedentarists, is that in the former the sense of structure and constraint is tacit, subjective, personal, and focused, whereas in the latter it is explicit, embodied, objective, and externally bounded. The source of this difference, its origin, lies in the adoption of architecture as the permanent living environment. … In a very real and literal sense the adoption of architecture is an acceptance of structure and constraint” .
In historical settings where authority had been declining, architecture may be serving to buttress a weak development with physical solid forms. This is important for fostering an illusion of order and strength which can no longer be considered as the military, economic or political reality. In simple word, architecture represents the designing of building under execution by the architects. However, it is more than that. It helps in expressing thoughts related to the building. It is not just a construction in which stones are piled up or spaces with steel girder are spanned (Coaldrake 201). In fact, it is an intelligently created space and form for the expression of an idea. However, construction is just a basic factor used to express thoughts in architecture, as there is a need for including visual and spatial vocabularies. In collaboration, all of these elements help in defining and presenting authority and power.

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