





An epiphany is referred to as experiencing striking and sudden realization. Most of the time, this term is used for description of scientific breakthrough, philosophical or religious discoveries, but the application can be done in any situation when enlightenment of realization helps in understanding a situation or problem from a deeper and new perspective. There is considerably rare occurrences of epiphanies and in general, a significant though has to be processes in relation with an issue. More often, the triggering of this is done by key and new piece of information, but most significant of all, there is a major requirement of obtaining deep knowledge prior to leaping up to any understanding. Epiphanies hold the tendency of coming in a number of different forms, and more often, a complicated combination of context, predisposition, knowledge, memory, and experience. Irrespective of the popular image, epiphany is considered as the outcome of significant work related to what is discovered, and there can be achievement of satisfactory results in context with a long process. The fulfilling and surprising feeling of epiphany that is extremely surprising, as one may not be successful in predicting when one will achieve something out of the efforts they put in. The subconscious mind plays a significant role in the delivery of solution, and there is fulfilment of the same as it tends to be rewarding for a longer period of time.

With key emphasis on epiphany, it can be stated that a story cannot be considered as a road one should follow, instead, it is the house where one considers going inside and staying for some time, wandering now and then, and making settlements. One takes time in recalling and discovering how corridors and rooms are related to one another. The visitor can be related with a reader, who deal with the alterations taking place in the enclosed space, even if it is full or easy and ample over the crooked phases, or opulent and sparse furnishing. One can consider going back again and again, and every corner of the house, representing story, will have something left that was not discovered in the previous times.

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