




Linguistic imperialism refers to the global spread of English where English has a dominant imperial status which makes is suppress the native indigenous languages. Spread of English does have beneficial effects too but, in some cases, it tends to marginalize other languages of the country. In fact, in defining Linguistic Imperialism of English researchers like Pennycook (1995) argue that English is like a Trojan Horse. When it is used in a country initially it could not have had much effects on the language of the country, but over time it could have been identified that the language results in concerns for the native lingo. The language might even have been appropriated in cultural and social ways because of the pedagogic adaption of the language. Different languages for instance like Australian English and Aboriginal English come into existence increasing the threat for the native language. Linguistic Imperialism and the dominance that it exercises continued to grow because there is reconstitution of structural and cultural inequalities according to Phillipson (1992).

Where English is observed as a threat when considered in its imperialistic state, the discussion of world Englishes refers to the global varieties of English that are present in the world. World Englishes discussion based on the inner, outer and expansion segments help understand how varieties of English have developed and have come to be used in domestic context or for the purpose of communication. The role of English has expanded and has grown to include more tolerance in its development especially in the way lexis, idioms are used. This is especially observed in some African nations. Researchers like Trudgill (1990) point out that differences are also evident between British English and Australian accents. Now where in Linguistic Imperialism it is conveyed that English could be a threat to the local language, in the case of world Englishes it can be seen that the language has not dominated but has actually been stretched by the various uses it has been put to in different country context. English is changing, and the changing natures is reflected in the growing diversity of Englishes.


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