


现代广告并不注重创造新的美的价值。他们想要销售他们的产品,创造一个消费者基础。他们注意那些不安全感,以抓住潜在目标受众的注意力。作为观众,人们也喜欢娱乐方面,女人可以达到这样的美丽水平。女人的美丽常常与一个女人的成功相协调。这种古老的意识形态在当今时代仍然盛行。它们被做得很微妙,但它们似乎强化了这些意识形态。男人喜欢这些广告,而女人则是为了符合标准的美丽努力。有一种破坏性完美主义和过度的自我批评的培育(Hawn 31)。这并不能帮助女性的发展,相反,它只注重于夸大所谓的美的标准的某些方面。

这个广告物化了女性,让她们在心理上屈从于其他女性的评判,她们想要帮助她们看起来更好、保持健康(Hawn 31)。



Modern day advertisement does not focus on creation of newer values of beauty. They want to sell their products and create a consumer base. They pay attention to the insecurities to grab the attention of their potential target audience. As audiences, the people also enjoy the entertainment aspect that women can reach such levels of beauty. The beauty of the women is often attuned to the success of a woman. This age-old ideology is still prevalent in the current times. They are made subtle, but they seem to reinforce these ideologies. The men enjoy these advertisements and the women’s is made to conform to normative beauty efforts. There is a fostering of the destructive perfectionism and excessive self-critique (Hawn 31). This does not help the women develop rather it focuses on exaggerating some aspects of the so called normative standards of beauty.

This advertisement objectifies women and makes them psychologically submit themselves to being judged by other women who wants to help them look better and stay healthy (Hawn 31).

The real question is why women let themselves would be objectified knowing the ramification, it would cause for them and their society. It is owing to the fact that it is easier to work with the existing stereotype rather than change the normative standards of beauty. The questions would even arise why not adhere to these standards. These kinds of semiotic design need to be rejected as they focus on the sexism and continue to develop on the gender inequalities.

This advertisement is one effort by the company to meet their investor needs. However, to solve the social issues that are prevailing in the society and for true capitalism, all the people need to come together to find solutions. This can be first achieved by level plying the field. As an inception step, the people need to raise their expectations of the viewing content rather than the women to solve these issues. These are the main determinations that the people need to address in the society.


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