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旅游业导致了影响环境的碳排放的增加。Szwed等(2010)强调了环境和气候变化是如何导致蒸散发增加、夏季高降水和随后几个月的蓄水水平降低的。在全球范围内,极端天气状况是由气候变化引起的,而碳排放是理想的诱因。旅游业的可持续性受到该行业排放水平的威胁(Gossling & Peeters, 2015)。Dickenson等人(2013)等研究人员跟踪了飞行中不断增长的温室气体排放。全球旅游业开放了更多的目的地投资,乘飞机度假导致了碳排放的增加。

不考虑行业中存在的问题,为了制定战略,需要更好的度量模型。许多研究考察了来自发达国家和新兴经济体的游客的航空旅行(Dickinson et al., 2013)。Dickinson等人(2013)在他们的研究工作中评估了波兰游客在选择航空旅行到他们首选目的地时的态度。调查显示,他们关心与他们的旅游规划有关的气候变化。然而,有很多内部和外部的障碍,以改变(Dickinson et al., 2013)。研究表明,尽管存在这种意识,但社会对缓解气候变化的参与程度很低,行为参与程度也很低(Whitmarsh, Seyfang & O ‘Neill, 2011)。然而,通过与公众进行对话和作出回应,适当的测量在管理排放和影响方面还有很长的路要走。

Becken & Patterson(2006)通过对新西兰的案例研究认为,自上而下和自下而上的策略有助于衡量与该国境内某个目的地相关的碳排放的上升。参数由盆地和帕特森(2006)是非常有用的,因为“旅游不是一个传统行业的国民经济核算体系,因此,没有一个国家拥有全面的国家统计数据所带来的能源需求或排放专门旅游”(盆地&帕特森,2006,p . 323)。旅游业在全球碳排放总量中所占比重约为5%,排放核算是一项挑战(Gossling et al., 2013)。现在,根据Becken & Patterson(2006)的研究,自下而上的分析根据其碳排放提出了旅游业(包括交通等)的主要驱动因素,这可能有助于制定特定行业的减排战略。其次,通过自上而下的分析,可以了解新西兰的旅游业。可以看到在经济、可持续性和减少战略方面所起的全面作用。自上而下的分析可使旅游业作为一个部门在该国更广泛的经济、可持续性和与人有关的目标范围内进行评估,从而使国家具体计划能够减少不利影响。

Tourism has resulted in an increase in carbon emissions that impact environment. Szwed et al. (2010) highlight how environment and climate change have resulted in increased evapotranspiration, high precipitation in summer and lowering of water storage levels in succeeding months. Globally, extreme weather conditions are observed because of climate change and carbon emissions are ideal causative factors. Sustainability of tourism is threatened because of the emission levels observed in the sector (Gossling & Peeters, 2015). Researchers like Dickenson et al. (2013) track the green house emissions that are growing in use of flights. Global tourism has opened up many more destination ventures and taking holidays by air has resulted in increased carbon emission (Gossling, Scott & Hall, 2013; Becken & Patterson, 2006).

Irrespective of awareness of the problem in the industry, better measurement models are needed in order to strategize. A number of studies have examined air travel undertaken by tourists from developed nations and emerging economies (Dickinson et al., 2013). Dickinson et al. (2013) in their research work assessed the attitudes of Polish tourists in choosing air travel to their preferred destination. The survey reveals that they were concerned about the climate change that is associated with their tourism planning. However, there were much internal and external barriers to change (Dickinson et al., 2013). Studies indicate that although awareness exists, societal engagement towards mitigation is low and behavioural engagement is also low (Whitmarsh, Seyfang & O’Neill, 2011). Proper measurements could, however, go a long way towards managing emissions and effects by creating dialogue and responsiveness with the public.

Becken & Patterson (2006) argue with a case study of New Zealand that a top-down and a bottom-up strategy helped measure the rise in carbon emissions that could be associated with a destination site within the country. The argument made by Becken & Patterson (2006) is very useful, given that “Tourism is not a traditional sector in the System of National Accounts and as a result, no country possesses comprehensive national statistics on the energy demand or emissions specifically resulting from tourism” (Becken & Patterson, 2006, p. 323). Tourism contributes to around 5% in overall carbon emissions of the world and emission accounting is a challenge (Gossling et al., 2013). Now, according to Becken & Patterson (2006), the bottom-up analysis presents the key drivers of tourism (inclusive of transportation among others) as per their carbon emissions and this could be useful for creating industry specific strategies to reduce emissions. Secondly, a top-down analysis will allow viewing the tourism sector of New Zealand. The overall role played in economy, sustainability and reduction strategies can be viewed. The top-down analysis allows assessment of tourism as a sector within the wider economic, sustainability and people related objectives of the country so as to enable country specific plans to reduce adverse impact.


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