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An elderly couple at a Department of Conservation Visitor Information Centre is the context and situation that is considered at this point. The form of technique that is used in one situation could not possibly be used in all situations. So what is used for the Museum situation presented above will not be applicable here. Different contexts might result in the use of different interpretive techniques based on their relative strengths and weaknesses with respect to the situation. In order to understand this, it is very critical to look at it from a visitor point of view. To the elderly couple, nature walks and leisure activities would be suggested.
The tourist guide would have planned for a tour for the couple based on their strength and stamina to visit the sites, their interests, their time for rest, break for lunch etc. The tour guide will use a mixed form of interpretation. He can directly talk and give information and in addition can present visuals regarding the cultural practices of the people and the natural element that are visible in the area. These would be the focus. The use of visuals and more are strong points of both personal and non-personal interpretation techniques with respect to this situation.
For an auditory learner, there must be sounds. The auditory learner is probably the person who picks up aural voices in the tourist van. Recordings in the tourist shuttle would appeal better to the auditory learner. Sometimes exhibitions and museums have walk through where an audible sound is played always. This is because of it aiming to create an aural based learning. Every one of us has different styles of learning. Some of us learn better when we listen to the lectures in class. Some of us can understand better when we experiment with what has been taught to us, some of us need more visuals to help us and some would need to use their hands and feel substances to learn about them, in the case of the aural learner they need data in the form of recordings supplied to them as an endless loop or in other ways. For an auditory learner to the Fiordland National Park, some form of auditory recording along with tour guide presentations would help create better interest in the visitor.

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