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The data analysis is carried out in two subsections- the qualitative analysis focuses on the descriptive statistics of the variables whereas the quantitative analysis in turn focuses on a more in-depth analysis of the data using quantitative statistical tools.The following table gives a summary of the data used to develop the model for the analysis of the interrelation between market concentration of the banks and their performance.The variable MS corresponds to market share of the banks. The market share for the data ranges from 0.0156 to 0.2634 with the mean at 0.1039 and the standard deviation at 0.0683. The data is positively skewed with skewness at 0.875 and kurtosis equalling -0.03.
The CR3 variable ranges from 0.1142 to 0.4791. The mean value of the variable is 0.3116 with a standard deviation of 0.1206. The data is negatively skewed with skewness equalling -0.469 and kurtosis equalling -1.053.
The interaction variable of MS and CR3 labelled as MSCR has a minimum value of 0.0018 while the maximum value is 0.1194. The mean of MSCR is 0.0371 and the standard deviation is 0.032. The data is positively skewed with the coefficient of skewness being 1.134 and the kurtosis for the data is 0.6.The quantitative analysis can be carried out in three different steps- t-test, correlation analysis and model development.


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